Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives that exclude Jews is not progress
The hope-you-cope method: Student mental health suffers during March Madness
Canceling spring break because of COVID-19 has spread many students too thin. If Butler is concerned about the pandemic, columnist Kennedi Ulman raises the question: why are we hosting March Madness?
Keep your inner kiddo alive
We are all too young, whether we’re 19 or 87, to be so worried about presenting ourselves as respectable adults. We spend so much time out of our short lives focused on looking official and having it all together. Instead, maybe we should spend a bit more time connecting with our inner child and being truly and deeply happy.
A Word With Kristin Swenson, communication and media studies professor
In this week’s A Word With, communication and media studies professor Kristin Swenson discusses community at Butler as well as when she started becoming interested in gender studies. Read on for a heart warming interview.
Letter to the Editor: Students demand answers, action
Butler administration canceled an event featuring activist Angela Davis without the input of students who planned the event for four months. Now, they’re demanding for the event to be reinstated and an apology be issued to Davis.
Zoom on, Zoom off: Virtual class camera debate
Students of Zoom University call for better options
Consent with Caitlin: Book recs for feminists and allies
In addition to becoming a better feminist/ally and person, reading makes you so hot you’re off the charts.
Guest column: Butler Hillel celebrates Passover in a pandemic
Diana Ningen shares the importance of Passover and how Butler will be celebrating.
Cafe Patachou: woman-owned, flavor-filled brunch with a cause
This food review spotlights a woman-owned restaurant, Cafe Patachou.
Why Snapchat’s filters are actually problematic
The addition of these facially-distorting filters is bound to lift society’s already sky-high beauty standards yet another notch higher.