Opinion articles

Human rights are not up for discussion

Human rights are not up for discussion

A student-run group has recently resurfaced under the name “proudamericabu” and continues to post a wealth of nationalist nonsense with a fun splash of transphobia, misogyny and capitalist bootlicking.

Better ideas for your Butler University graduation photos

As a soon-to-be Butler grad myself, I took the liberty of providing some new, unique locations that make for the perfect photo op while still encapsulating the special kind of collegiate experience that is attending Butler University. Heed my advice, and in 30 years, you’ll be grateful to remember what your college years were actually like.

One year after the Atlanta spa shootings, not much has changed for Asian Americans

March 16, 2022 marked the one year anniversary of the Atlanta spa shootings that took the life of six Asian American women. Though it incited a surge in support for the Asian American community and awareness of the racism and hypersexualization that Asians face — Asian American women in particular, these are long-standing structural issues that are not going away anytime soon.

Dear House of Representatives, please enact the Sunshine Protection Act

I truly wish I were joking when I say that out of the eight time changes I’ve experienced while attending Butler University, four of them have involved miscommunication with other countries, nearly-missed interviews, frantic emailing, Google searching “what time is it right now in ‘x place,’” embarrassment and interpersonal distress.
