“At this point, I’m so sleep-deprived and delirious that I don’t know if the stars are speaking to me or if I’m just hallucinating. With that being said, this month’s horoscopes will be just as credible as always — which is to say, not at all.”
Traveling: A reminder of life’s beauty
“There’s still so much out there to discover.”
The Birds and the Bulldogs: Virginity
“Your first time is your introduction to the world of sex, and we are here to help make that introduction feel like you have just met your best friend.”
Snack DUPE: Plum snacks to snatch up or leave behind
“After a semester of trying to find the best dupes in Plum to satisfy my snack time, I took it upon myself to discover the best dupes Butler has to offer.”
Letter to the editor: A call to boycott Nestlé
Affiliates of the Efroymson Diversity Center urge for economic action against colonial oppression.
Letter to the editor: On SB 480, from a trans student
A transgender woman at Butler speaks on the personal importance of gender-affirming healthcare and condemns the Indiana bills that would deny it.
Fashion is ruining your style, and here’s why
From the environment to your wallet to your own confidence, ignoring fashion might be the key to staying stylish.
GBF: Gross, bigoted and false
“They’re sassy, loud, mildly annoying, constantly horny, aggressively twinkish and stone-cold gay; your GBF is here to slay.”
Do better, Dawgs: Transphobia at Butler
“This transition from the trenches of transphobia to a haven of acceptance and inclusion seemed almost too good to be true. Spoiler alert: it was.”
The rights and wrongs of franchise films
Franchise movies sparked my love of film, but the current state of the genre has left me concerned.