“In this future, those of us stuck in the Butler bubble would be able to safely and effectively go off campus without the hassle of cars or the worry of safety on the streets of Indy.”
I’m just like other girls
I am just like every other girl, and I would not have it any other way
Reframing rejection
“There is no one I know who has a more well-rounded sense of failure than I. And, dear reader, I am not nearly as ashamed of it as I know I should be.”
Read banned books: Book bans and America’s descent towards increased censorship
Censorship is growing increasingly prevalent as more and more books are banned throughout America, and this is a major issue.
Surviving the red zone
“Although, at the end of the day, sexual misconduct is never the fault of the victim, proper education can help to combat a culture that overwhelmingly prioritizes harmful, patriarchal ideas of sex and romance.”
Astrology with Reece and Leah: Back to school horoscopes
“Unfortunately for you, the stars do not rest, and neither does the editorial staff.”
Your ‘freedom’ at the cost of ours
“Today, June 30, on the last day of Pride month, the Supreme Court of the United States granted businesses the right to deny service to LGBTQ+ individuals based on the business owner’s religious beliefs.”
We are more than our mistakes
“This article is not about upholding the idea that people are incapable of change. In fact, I believe that — although there are always exceptions — most people involved in these situations are aware of their mistakes and want to improve. The only problem is that they are often not given the environment, opportunity or tools to do so successfully.”
Things you got bullied for that are now trendy
“From off-duty models sporting their grandpa’s Skechers to college students wearing Crocs to class, here is a list of things that were cringey that are now trendy.”
Letter to the editor: Statement on the impeachment of former senator and 2023 vice presidential candidate Hadassah Brent
“At one point, we both felt like we couldn’t make the change we wanted on our campus without SGA, but just days ago, SGA sent a clear message: they don’t want us to.”