Tag Archives: mae-mae han

Does he like me because I’m Asian or despite it?

Does he like me because I’m Asian or despite it?

“I wish I could say that I’m just particularly unlucky when it comes to men. Unfortunately, far too many Asian American women have similar tales of misfortune to share. Dating is hard for everybody, no matter who you are. Dating is even harder when navigating the modern-day manifestations of imperialism at the intersection of race and gender.”

Tiny love stories

“For the second year in a row, the Collegian asked the Butler community to share their ‘tiny love stories’ in the vein of the New York Times series of the same name. Spanning from romantic love to self-love, from familial love to platonic love, from love for a pet to love for a hobby, these love stories — all in 100 words or shorter — are sure to tug at even the toughest of heartstrings.”

10 things we hate about you

“The opinion section has some pet peeves that are campus-specific and we would like to share them with you all — partly out of the hope that some can reflect on their own actions and realize, they are the causes of these annoyances and choose to do better.”
