“Do I think that banning speech is a first resort or is the right way to go? No, I think it should usually be a last resort.”
Reject passive and dehumanizing language
“When language kills, we must either resist colonized, dehumanizing language or choose to be complicit.”
Must-see nonsense
“‘Wait, you haven’t seen that show? How have you not seen that show?’”
Ins and outs
“2024 is the year we start to be better — or maybe worse.”
Cynicism and frustration: A hateful combination
“Some students work out, some students meditate, and a great number of us hate-watch. It can feel so good to take that bad grade, that manager yelling at you or that deadline and put it into some perfectly crafted cynicism.”
Senior Sendoff: “The culture is lit, and I had a ball”
For all four of my years at Butler, Lana Del Rey released a new album, shockingly pertinent to each year here.
What your laptop stickers say about you
Are your laptop stickers measuring up to my standards? Come find out.
I’m over hookup culture
I don’t want to feel like I’m required to give my body away in exchange for eventual love.
The scourge of internalized racism: News outlets perpetuate racist American ideals
To be raised in America is to be inherently complicit in racist laws and institutions. Those who choose not to educate themselves inject their bias into society, individuals like this who work at news organizations taint their content with internalized racism.
Opinions on the media and the role it plays in the United States’ democracy
Assistant opinion editor Austin Klawitter examines the public’s opinion of the media and the role it plays in the democracy of the United States.