“I believe the peaceful transfer of power is really the base of our democracy.”
How Butler students feel about President Trump
Catalina Gallegos asked Butler students how they feel about President Donald Trump one year into his presidency in one word.
Collegian 60 second preview 12.6
Co-news editor Jessica Lee talks to host Kennedy Aiman about how Butler University has cut off ties with Triton Brewing Co. as well as how a course on President Donald Trump proved to Butler they didn’t have a process in place for approving special topics courses.
Donald Trump course at Butler reveals no process, forces university to take precautions
Trumpism & US Democracy, a communication based class, proved to Butler University that there was no process in place to get special topics courses approved. The aftermath of that led to the university requesting police security, hiring an issues management firm and implementing a new curriculum approval process for special topics courses.
Opinions on the media and the role it plays in the United States’ democracy
Assistant opinion editor Austin Klawitter examines the public’s opinion of the media and the role it plays in the democracy of the United States.
The effects of Charlottesville on the college campus
Assistant opinion editor Austin Klawitter addresses the recent events in Charlottesville.