“While people are willing to adopt sustainability practices for economic reasons, deep feelings of ambivalence, irritation and distrust towards “elitist” environmental activists do not diminish as new practices are implemented.”
The art of the dad joke
“Much of the beauty of dad jokes, funny or otherwise, lies in how wholesome they are. With a simple pun, a person can create joy within themselves and others.”
Do you make your own choices?
“We have lived out our lives being told that we control the narrative, why should college be any different?”
Dumb TV is stupid good
“I will always be a fan of dumb television, and people who claim that it is not “good TV” just want to believe they are superior for having shows like ‘Breaking Bad’ in their rotation. I will stick with my ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ and ‘Big Brother’ until my last breath — and I will feel nothing but satisfaction doing it.”
Microtrends: Killing the planet one purchase at a time
“The next time you scroll social media and see a new trending item, take a second to consider if being trendy for two weeks is worth the permanent effects that microtrends can have on the environment.”
From the closet to the clique
“Cliques aren’t exclusive to queer people, but sometimes we become so desperate for a community that we shut ourselves off from other people — even from each other.”
Embrace intersectional feminism
“For feminism to be truly liberating and freeing, it must impact all women. It is not enough for feminism to only benefit and serve the interests of a small and privileged sect of women.”
EDITORIAL: Collegian editors demand caffeine
“No longer can Collegian editors secure a much-needed Strawberry Açaí Refresher at 9:30 p.m. No longer can we purchase our second Celsius of the day just before midnight. We are left uncaffeinated, unfocused and exhausted.”
EDITORIAL: In defense of our journalistic independence
“‘It has been made clear to us that the interests, ethics and standards of Butler HR and General Counsel are not aligned with our own, and maintain no priority in protecting student press freedom or journalistic independence.’”
EDITORIAL: Statement regarding retraction of content due to plagiarism
“‘Throughout the course of our 139 years of publication, we remain dedicated to providing ethical journalism and holding our community and ourselves accountable when any issues obstructing that mission have surfaced.’”