“Why is it that the student population has to randomly suffer through a 3-hour period of 1996 levels of internet connection once every two weeks? Maybe students should be able to trade in their ‘Out on Town’ dollars for access to better Wi-Fi.”
Say adieu to @butler.edu
“After careful consideration of various factors … [Butler] has made the difficult decision to revise the policy on providing email accounts to graduated students”
Did you take the bait?
Butler received an influx of phishing attacks targeted towards students and staff.
Spooktacular flick picks for Halloween
“Prepare to dim the lights and gather some favorite Halloween sweets. Here is the ultimate Halloween movie guide from fellow Butler students.”
“It Chapter Two” Film Review
“It Chapter Two” follows the Loser’s Club 27 years later, as they reunite to face Pennywise the Clown.
Information Technology removes password expiration for Butler accounts
The IT department’s longtime policy that required students to change their Butler account passwords every 180 days is no longer in effect.
Butler IT launches app
MELISSA IANNUZZI Assistant News Editor Students will now be able to access the features available on my.butler from their smartphones via a Butler University mobile app. The app directs users to the new mobile site Information Technology launched in the spring of this year. The app contains links to a campus directory, alerts, news, course…
Broken elevator creates problems for IT, IMS
One of the elevators in Jordan Hall has been inoperable off and on for weeks and is beginning to cause problems for Information Technology and Instructional Media Services. Jeff McGregor, information systems analyst, said IT is always thinking of ways to be prepared if the elevator is down. “We just kind of expect it now,”…