“I’d never written for a newspaper prior to college, and I didn’t think that would be something that would particularly interest me once in college. I spent my first two years of college without the Collegian and decided to join on a whim — thankfully it worked out.”
Spring into new activities
Read on to see the Culture section’s favorite springtime activities.
The Collegian Mini: 3/6/24
Try out the Collegian’s mini crossword.
Culture’s rom-com faves
“Effortlessly mixing romantic and funny moments, these rom-coms are sure to be the perfect Valentine’s Day watch.”
Dawgs with Style: Megan Heiss
“‘Now is the time to experiment with styles and figure out what you like and don’t like. Any outfit looks better if you feel confident wearing it.”’
The Butler Collegian DAWGCAST — Episode 4
All things Butler University is covered in this fast-paced media show. Segments include The Butler Collegian Sports Report, Culture Corner, Opinion of the Week and Club Chat. DAWGCAST is hosted by Multimedia Editor Eva Hallman. Tune in on Spotify or YouTube, at The Butler Collegian.
Culture’s fave TV throwbacks
“Why look for something new when there are so many great shows from the past? Read on to discover the Culture section’s favorite throwback TV shows.”
Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library fights against book bans
“Shame is what is driving all of this mess in this country,” Julia Whitehead said. Whitehead blames the number of banned books and challenged books in this country on the lack of willingness to communicate in society.
Self-care soothes the soul
Sometimes it can be hard to think of what to do for self-care, or how to access free options available on campus. Here is a list of some soothing possibilities.
Out of sight and out of mind: The Jordan College Annex lies overcrowded and underfunded in the corner of campus
For a building that is full of some of the most creative minds on campus, why is it so unremarkable?