Our experiences serve as a catalyst, and our passion for change has sustained us.
Inside the world of hijab politics
Mahsa Amini’s story is one that begs the question of what it means to have freedom of choice as a Muslim woman.
Why you should let me dye your hair
Having a bold hair color spices up your day and can create a fun environment.
The scholarly showers
“I took it upon myself to let you know which shower you should use if it is ever necessary. If you are a commuter and need a quick campus shower, or if your dorm shower is broken and maintenance is not available, Butler has options for you.”
The joys of coed living
Living coed allows students to live with the people they want to and make the most out of their time at Butler.
Attendance ableism
“Attendance policies are discriminatory and essentially set up for students with a disability to fail.”
Butler smells like up-dawg
Butler University has many scents for our noses to interact with, and this is a detailed analysis of what they entail.
Hot takes that are not so hot anymore
I want to take you back in time to look at some hot takes that have cooled down throughout the years. Put your gloves on because these hot takes might be a little chilly.
Desire paths: The literal trailblazing of Butler students
In the same way that I lazily cut corners and take shortcuts, many brave off-roaders around campus take the road less traveled.
Colonialism: Not everyone’s cup of tea
“Following her death, many have condemned the queen as a figurehead for numerous imperialist atrocities, and some have engaged in outright celebration.”