“There’s strength in standing beside those who prioritize compassion over fear, who reject bigotry and false hope in favor of unity and logic.”
If you wanted to, would you?
“‘It takes away any kind of ownership and responsibility and control over the idea of a relationship starting because it completely puts the burden on the other person.’”
Go Greek or go home
Greek life is a large activity here, but it’s not always for everyone. There are quite a few people who choose to not participate, but how are they supposed to feel while their friends are all in Greek life and they are not?
The misogyny behind the TikTok band tee trend
“It’s no surprise that women are becoming increasingly weary of wearing band T-shirts out in public in fear of being put on the spot, and then publicly shamed online if they don’t perform perfectly.”
Back to school rush: Easing anxiety about the school year
Trusting yourself will help a lot in deciding what is right for you, what people to spend time with and what you want your college experience to be.
Ask Abby: Your trauma does not have to be educational
You should never feel guilt for not sharing your story with anyone, especially in an academic or classroom setting. It is yours and yours alone, and you get to choose what to do with it.
Ask Abby: starting a new school year in the age of COVID-19
It’s completely understandable for people to be anxious right now. No one blames you! The future is uncertain for everyone, but especially for those of us who are in college. We are already in a phase of change and growth, and current changes have added to that exponentially.
Inside the student mind
MARAIS JACON-DUFFY NEWS EDITOR MJACONDU@BUTLER.EDU In recent years, Butler has seen a steady increase in the use of mental health services in different areas on campus. The number of students going to the Health and Recreation Center for counseling and consultation services has almost doubled from 6 percent to 10 percent of the student body…