“Although I don’t have concrete data on the number of happily cuffed students on Butler’s campus, if the Collegian editorial board is representative of the university’s population, it’s safe to assume that most of you are alone and miserable. Fortunately for some of you, the stars want me to let you know that true love is on the horizon.”
Butler: The good, the bad and the smelly
College is a breeding ground for poor hygiene, but it also breeds self-awareness.
Go Greek or go home
Greek life is a large activity here, but it’s not always for everyone. There are quite a few people who choose to not participate, but how are they supposed to feel while their friends are all in Greek life and they are not?
To ghost or not to ghost
“If a person isn’t prepared to have difficult or uncomfortable conversations, they have no business getting into relationships where they could hurt other people.”
Friendship dating
“Friend dates allow you to take the initiative you need to establish a strong connection with someone else, especially for those who feel like they aren’t lucky enough to stumble into perfect friendships of their own.”
Wake up Butler — it’s time to sleigh
“Greeted by mud, slush and several dozen discarded, empty shooters, a handful of stubborn Butler students made the arduous journey to the Sellick Bowl for some impromptu sledding. Few college students have the foresight to bring sleds to campus for an occasion such as this, so often, improvisation is necessary.”
Butler dryers, I hate you
“Using the dryers is quite the toss-up. Your clothes will either come out with holes burned through them, or they will still be wet. Either way, Butler dryers are not making your already difficult life easier.”
“Your degree is worthless:” The danger of neglecting the arts and humanities
The arts and humanities are the backbone of our society, but these fields have recently been getting neglected.
On-campus jobs at Butler: Who the h*ll is hiring?
Butler University has many opportunities for student employment … if you can find them.
Don’t judge a relationship by its launch
“The whole idea of social media launching is just introducing someone you care about to the people you know. It’s an efficient introduction because the interaction is almost entirely one-way.”