College students feel the stress of the semester increasing as finals week approaches. Several outlets, including challenges held by PAWS and HRC resources, can help students cope with stress.
Stress Less Week aims to ease student final woes
KATIE GOODRICH KGOODRICH@BUTLER.EDU STAFF REPORTER “Stress Less Week” is a collaboration of several organizations and offices coordinated by Peers Advocating Wellness for Students helps students cope with the stresses associated with finals week. The goal of Stress Less Week is to help students find strategies to manage their stress during a particularly stressful time of…
PAWS provides end-of-semester stress relief
Stress—the bane of college students— is often seen in its most destructive state during finals week. With the pressure caused by rigorous projects and hours of endless studying, most students will accept any opportunity to take a break to maintain sanity. Fortunately for Butler students, this week is host to a myriad of events targeted…