Tag Archives: roommates

The good, the bad and the dirty of random roommates

Illustration by Jessica Lee. CARISSA MARQUARDT | OPINION EDITOR | cfmarqua@butler.edu MARIA RAPISARDA | ASST. OPINION EDITOR | mrapisar@butler.edu Considering your first college roommate could mean the difference between a horror story and a fairy tale when you tell your family about them. Hearing so many of the former and not enough of the latter

My neighbor is a Trip… No, literally!

Photo courtesy of Madi McGuire. MADI MCGUIRE | OPINION COLUMNIST | mjmcguir@butler.edu As a sophomore, I am fortunate to live in Apartment Village after the big Fairview over-packing controversy. If you never lived in Ross or Schwitzer Hall, I cannot explain to you how exciting it is to have my own room, a single shower

Living with strangers could be the best decision incoming Butler freshmen make

The idea of roommates is a strange one, especially in college. Students are asked to move out of their childhood homes, move into what essentially is a boarding house and live with another person—sometimes, a complete stranger. Cohabitation is tricky; naturally there are different types of roommates: the quiet one, the angry one, the one
