The Student Employee of the Year Awards luncheon was held on April 12. All student employee nominees and their supervisors were invited to the ceremony in the Johnson Board Room. Photos by Jonathan Wang. Senior Arie Likhtman was awarded the Student Employee Leadership Award for his work in the Speaker’s Lab. Senior Stasia Raebel, also…
Visualizing a vibrant future for Irwin Library
Irwin Library dean and staff begin developing a plan to help Irwin Library reach its full potential.
‘Banned books and you’: Butler Libraries hosts panel on censorship
The regulation of literature in the U.S. impacts education all around the country.
Goodbye, goose
“On April 12, Butler Libraries publicly declared victory over the notorious Irwin Goose. After occupying the second-floor Irwin Library balcony and terrorizing countless prospective library-goers for five consecutive springs, it seems the goose has declined to return to Butler.”