Tag Archives: Mike Keller

Senior class gift: Students choose where to donate

MARAIS JACON-DUFFY NEWS EDITOR Butler’s graduating class of 2014 will have the option to donate to a campus group, club, building, athletic team or academic college of their choice. Students can choose to donate to Butler’s colleges, scholarships, Office of Student Affairs, athletic teams and other organizations. Seniors can provide donations to essentially any group

Patio to be updated

The outdoor space between Gallahue Hall and the Holcomb Building will be a new study area for students by the beginning of next school year. Student Government Association approved the project last Wednesday. The executive board has been working on it since last semester. The new area will have tables with umbrellas and bar-height tables

Stress is the status quo

According to Butler students, being busy is a status symbol. Students are taking on multiple leadership positions and extracurricular activities. Junior Katie Palmer is involved with conferences and special events, has an internship with Butler athletics, has a virtual internship with the state department, is the president of the class of 2014, serves as academic

Maya Angelou to return to campus after 25 years

Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” The Butler community never did quite forget Angelou’s legendary presence back in 1988. After being the inaugural speaker for Butler University’s Celebration of Diversity Distinguished Lecture

Freshmen may be excluded from committee

Student Government Association’s Election Oversight Committee proposed a resolution to permanently allow only members in at least their sophomore years onto the committee, going against last year’s temporary suspension of the rule to allow freshmen. This decision comes after a review in SGA, and the assembly will vote today on whether to make the rule

Officials looking for student feedback on new facility

The proposed parking garage at Butler University will likely add a significant amount of housing—in addition to parking spaces—if it is approved by the Board of Trustees. Vice President for Student Affairs Levester Johnson presented preliminary sketches of possible new rooms at a Student Government Association meeting last week. “We wanted to get (students’) feedback

President shares vision with students at town hall

Butler University President Jim Danko hosted a dialogue with students where they discussed “A Shared Strategic Vision” for the university’s future. Danko told the gathering of faculty and  students about his plan, which includes raising the endowment to $750 million by 2025  and making additions to campus as outlined in the master plan. He said

Students in charge of funding organizations

Butler University student organizations are for the students by the students, and the process to receive funding is no different. Any recognized student organization does not necessarily receive funding from the university, Caroline Huck-Watson, PuLSE Office director, said. It is the student organization’s responsibility to look for sources for funding. One way student organizations can

OPINION | SGA Assembly: fulfill duty to campus and student body

On Sep. 19, Student Government Association assembly voted and passed the SGA budget proposal. This familiar procedure took place in a matter of minutes with little debate or concern raised about where approximately $750,000 would be going. This all-too-common scenario illustrates an issue that assembly must face—SGA representatives need to take their jobs more seriously.

Organization gets denied

A prospective student organization was denied endorsement by the Student Government Association last Wednesday, and is up for appeal today. The National Society for Leadership and Success was presented before SGA executives and was denied endorsement. SGA Assembly will now listen to the NSLS’s presentation, and will vote to pass it or not. If the
