Academic News articles

LAS Dean Jay Howard now also acting CCOM Dean

LAS Dean Jay Howard now also acting CCOM Dean

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Jay Howard took the position of Acting Dean of the College of Communication while the college searches for a new dean. Dr. Gary Edgerton, former Dean of CCOM, stepped down from his former position to teach in his respective college full-time.

College of Education to move to CTS at start of 2018-2019 academic year

Though the deal is not yet on paper, President Danko and CTS President Matthew Boulton discuss a partnership between the two schools. Butler would buy a large portion of CTS campus, and Butler’s College of Education would relocate.

Founder’s Week Kickoff

GRANT ANSCHUETZ | STAFF REPORTER | The Founder’s Week kickoff event, held in Irwin Library, marked the start of an important week at Butler University. The highlight of the event was the unveiling of a greatly restored 1887 class photo. Gertrude Mahorney, the first African-American to graduate from Butler, was included in the photo.
