Author Archives: Contributor

OT: We are a dance school

“Many students have dubbed Butler to be a basketball school, and while this is true, its dance programs — Butler Ballet included — remain some of the best in the nation … So, is Butler really a basketball school or can everyone finally see it for what it is — a dance school?”

Modern America: A period of punctuation decline

“The passive-aggressive period when texting is a serious problem. Now that the period can be neutral and angry, how is one to know which emotion the sender is conveying? The sender can even use the period ambiguity to their advantage by saying you are overreacting if you assume they are angry or by saying it was obvious they were upset if you assume the period was neutral.”

Students light up the campus with Diwali Night event

“Students of all backgrounds were invited to learn about the significance of the holiday, eat Indian food, watch traditional Indian dances, paint diyas — clay candle holders — and take them home, design their own Henna tattoos and partake in an end of the night sparkler lighting.”
