Sexual assault report raises concerns regarding campus safety

University warnings have been in the campus consciousness following last Wednesday’s email from Butler University Police Department regarding an alleged sexual assault by an undisclosed individual that occurred at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house.

Andrew Ryan, assistant chief of police at BUPD, said what is alleged to have happened at Phi Kappa Psi suggested a continuing danger, which is why university officials decided to send out a warning.

That judgment was formed in a meeting last Wednesday morning. Attendees included Ryan, police chief Ben Hunter, vice president for student affairs Levester Johnson, dean of student life Irene Stevens and dean of student services Sally Click, along with university counsel.

Ryan said none present opposed alerting the campus with a timely warning. After BUPD first learned of the assault report Sept. 13, an email was sent at 11:45 a.m. the following day.

“If we don’t tell anybody,” Ryan said, “and a similar incident happens, we’re not serving our community. Transparency is to benefit everyone involved. We hope it can generate some leads.”

Hunter said he takes the matter of sexual assault very personally at Tuesday’s faculty senate meeting.

“The issue of sexual assault keeps me up at night,” he said. It is underreported.”

With the current situation, Hunter said BUPD and the administration was working diligently to keep campus safe.

“Right now we’re investigating one, and we’re going to do our best to present that case to prosecution,” he said. “We’re doing our best.”

He said the university could be fined $27,000 if someone from the university is made aware of an assault does not report it.


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