Tag Archives: Starbucks

Finals Survival Guide | The best places to study. The best ways to avoid the stress. The best ways to make it out alive.

Finding the right study space There are places all around campus that have yet to be completely discovered by many students, making them the perfect study locations on campus. While walking from Starbucks to Jordan Hall, it might seem like there is a greenhouse on the third floor of Jordan.  That is actually a study

Burst pipe shuts down dining facilities

A burst pipe on the northeast side of Jordan Hall dampened the daily routine for some faculty, staff and students last Thursday. Interim Vice President for Operations Gerald Carlson said workers struck a fire hydrant Nov. 10 while using a lift to hang banners for last weekend’s presidential inauguration. The fire hydrant ruptured a water

Making that good old harmony

Prepare yourselves, Butler University. Our two favorite a cappella groups have been hitting the rehearsal room and recording studio, ready to serenade the campus community within the next couple of months. Expect concerts, new CDs and covers of everyone from Amy Winehouse to Ben Folds. OUT OF THE DAWG HOUSE Out of the Dawg House

Autumn Rhapsody

[tab: Article] The air is getting crisp, the leaves are turning and pumpkin spice lattés abound. It’s this time of year that makes Butler look like the perfect campus, with students walking to class in their cardigans and boots; big trees turning from green to yellow and orange; and organizations sitting outside Starbucks, organizing for
