Tag Archives: Holidays

Black Friday is not what it used to be

“Black Friday is an opportunity to save money on gifts during the holidays and makes it easy to knock out gifts for my loved ones. I look forward to it every year; it is the kick-off to the Christmas season and I believe it is a beloved holiday that many get excited for. But over the years — especially after COVID-19 — it seems stores aren’t giving what customers want and deserve.”

Ask Abby: How to Thanksgiving with your family post-election

I think you should skip your family’s Thanksgiving and come to my Friendsgiving instead. It’s Bring Your Own Mask, and there will be more than enough food to go around. Fair warning though, if a Thanksgiving dinner that is both gluten- and meat-free is more offensive to you than your distant cousins’ political beliefs, you may just want to bite the bullet and go home instead.
