Tag Archives: butler university

Letter to the Editor: SGA leadership’s performative actions on Diversity, Equity and Student Belonging

Letter to the Editor: SGA leadership’s performative actions on Diversity, Equity and Student Belonging

Graphic by Corrina Reiss. The Butler Collegian is committed to sharing diverse viewpoints from across the university and to upholding values of free speech. However, The Collegian does not endorse or promote opinions contained within any letter to the editor. With four weeks left of the semester, I have decided to resign from my position

Spooky Butler: The tour you did not get

Photo taken by Julian Cirnigliaro GRACIE ELMER | OPINION COLUMNIST | gelmer@butler.edu KENNEDI ULMAN | OPINION COLUMNIST | kulman@butler.edu  HANNAH HOWARD | OPINION COLUMNIST | hvhoward@butler.edu  KIRAN BRARR | OPINION COLUMNIST | kbrar@butler.edu  CAITLIN SEGRAVES | OPINION CO-EDITOR | csegrave@butler.edu  The Elevators of Gallahue – Gracie Elmer Having used a scooter for most of my
