Cheer wins UCA National Championship

The cheer team won their first championship on Jan. 19. Photo by Jonathan Wang. 


Butler’s cheer team placed first in the Small Division One Co-Ed Gameday Division at the Universal Cheerleaders Association [UCA] with a cumulative score of 94.667. The competition took place on Jan. 19 at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. 

The team first won the semi-final round consisting of 22 teams from around the country with a score of 91.8 before the field was cut down to just 11 for the finals. 

Across both rounds of competition, the Dawgs received zero points of deduction — the only team to accomplish such a feat. 

Of the 20 championship divisions that competed at the annual UCA event, the Bulldogs had the 11th-highest point total for their routine. 

The cheer team will continue bringing school spirit and displaying their talents at both men’s and women’s basketball games throughout the spring semester. 


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