Order food on campus with new app

RACHEL STOFFEL | STAFF REPORTER | rstoffel@butler.edu

Butler partnered with Tapingo, an app which gives students the opportunity to order food with a touch of a button, in an attempt to make on-campus dining easier than ever.

Open the app, tap the restaurant you want to order from and there you go — the food will be ready for you waiting.

Santa Clara University was the first college campus to use the app in 2012, and now more than 150 campuses have it.

“[The app] was created to improve the way we buy things,” public relations manager Leanna Reis said. Tapingo is the ideal solution for the on-the-go, on-demand generation and has been tremendously successful.”

Some students across campuses are finding this new app very useful, while others are not.

First year Megan Helfers does not plan on getting the app.

“Why can’t people just stand in line if they want food?” Helfers said. “This is just tending to America’s lazy habits.”

First year Claire Shea said she thinks Tapingo is a cool app that could be really successful.

“I don’t have the app yet, but I plan on getting it,” Shea said. “I think it’s great to have when you’re running from class to class and don’t have time to stop for lunch. You can just order something and then it’s there ready for you to grab it and keep going.”

The company continues to expand across the country and internationally. The app aims to get rid of the hassle of waiting in a line and make life easier.

“[The founders] realized that technology had improved so many aspects of daily life, yet the impact of these technological advances were so minimal when it came to buying — something we do every day,” Reis said.  image2 image3

