Uncertainty still remains after Butler University and Frank Ross declined to comment about the departure of Anne Flaherty, Doug Howell and Karla Cunningham.
What students need to know about next year’s housing
With the addition of the Irvington House, students are presented with more residential opportunities. These additional options include a small number of juniors living in Fairview House.
Student housing across campus experiences heating issues
Sub zero outside temperatures and equipment failures cause heating system malfunctions in Ross Hall and Apartment Village.
Juniors can no longer live off campus for 2018 to 2019 school year
Residence Life briefly changed their policy to allow them to live off campus for the 2017 to 2018 school year. This will no longer apply for future juniors.
The good, the bad and the dirty of random roommates
Illustration by Jessica Lee. CARISSA MARQUARDT | OPINION EDITOR | cfmarqua@butler.edu MARIA RAPISARDA | ASST. OPINION EDITOR | mrapisar@butler.edu Considering your first college roommate could mean the difference between a horror story and a fairy tale when you tell your family about them. Hearing so many of the former and not enough of the latter…
Students left with second choice
With the change in lottery number distribution for university housing this year, the residence life department is working to place students who did not get their first choices for next year’s housing. This year, lottery numbers were distributed randomly as opposed to years past, when lottery numbers were based on student credit hours. Karla Cunningham,…
Students face housing crunch
The residence life department is starting the process of planning and organizing student housing for next school year. On Jan. 25, residence life sent out a reminder email to students informing them the housing intention process will occur Feb. 14 to March 9. Housing intentions are completed through students’ my.butler accounts. Students declare online where…