Tag Archives: atherton

OPINION | Students should appreciate how far Atherton has come

A group of students recently decided to protest Aramark’s food quality by boycotting all the campus dining halls. Although the frustrations are understandable, students should be more patient and appreciate the changes made at the Atherton Union Marketplace. The dining hall has come a long way in the last year. Students fail to remember the

OPINION | Protest Aramark for the right reasons

Aramark Corporation caters not just to Butler University, but also to a vast network of other universities, sports stadiums and prisons. Butler’s students need to do their homework on this company and consider advocating for a change in its policies. According to Fortune Magazine’s website, the company was recognized as “One of the World’s Most

STAFF EDITORIAL | Student issues must come first

Published April 10, 2012 OUR POINT THIS WEEK: Hiring unnecessary staff while vital positions are being cut is not the way to help Butler students succeed | VOTE: 27-0-4 A core curriculum program  $400,000 in the red. Four percent increases in tuition. Recent controversies whirling around campus seem to be following the tone of money,

Welcome back, Jimmy

Once Jimmy Fallon saw Butler University’s flash mob YouTube video, he said he couldn’t wait to visit during his week-long visit to Indianapolis for the Super Bowl. Before delivering a hilarious two-hour show on Sunday, Fallon sat down with The Collegian to discuss bulldogs, Steak ‘n Shake and traveling with his show for the very
