Graphic by Corrina Reiss. The Butler Collegian is committed to sharing diverse viewpoints from across the university and to upholding values of free speech. However, the Collegian does not endorse or promote opinions contained within any letter to the editor. Dear Butler Community, We, as a collective of faculty members who serve on the Steering…
Senior Sendoff: The meanest girl you’ve never met
“Who I am — as off-putting as many of you may rightfully find it — is no accident and neither was my college experience. Miss me or don’t, I was still here.”
Why American escapism does not make sense
We need to focus on building our own community before we move into another. Graphic by Reece Butler. SADIA KHATRI | OPINION COLUMNIST | “I’m moving to Canada!” Following Donald Trump’s presidential victory, perhaps you have heard or seen sentiments about moving elsewhere and away from America. When conservative victories — particularly when Trump…
Modern America: A period of punctuation decline
“The passive-aggressive period when texting is a serious problem. Now that the period can be neutral and angry, how is one to know which emotion the sender is conveying? The sender can even use the period ambiguity to their advantage by saying you are overreacting if you assume they are angry or by saying it was obvious they were upset if you assume the period was neutral.”
Dem’s the breaks
“In the weeks following Nov. 5, I’ve spent much of my time reflecting on the last 11 months of the election season and find myself returning to just one question. What the hell has happened to the Democratic party?”
Trump’s re-election elicits distress and despondency
“There’s strength in standing beside those who prioritize compassion over fear, who reject bigotry and false hope in favor of unity and logic.”
Black Friday is not what it used to be
“Black Friday is an opportunity to save money on gifts during the holidays and makes it easy to knock out gifts for my loved ones. I look forward to it every year; it is the kick-off to the Christmas season and I believe it is a beloved holiday that many get excited for. But over the years — especially after COVID-19 — it seems stores aren’t giving what customers want and deserve.”
When should the Christmas season begin?
“The person wearing a chunky sweater, sipping a peppermint mocha and listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas album on loop is probably happier than you; maybe your life would be better if you joined them.”
Astrology with Aidan: 100% verifiable, definitely probably true predictions
“Recently, you may have noticed an unfortunate gap in The Butler Collegian’s coverage of astrological happenings. The heavens have been on a well-deserved sabbatical and took a lovely vacation to beautiful, sunny Puerto Vallarta.”
Keep your laws off our bodies
“Human rights should not be a topic of debate — especially reproductive healthcare.”