Author Archives: Alexis Price

Absurd is the new sexy this Halloween

ALEXIS PRICE | OPINION EDITOR I am a firm believer in Halloween. I believe September isn’t too soon to begin decorating or preparing a costume. I believe “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” should be watched annually. And I believe that when it comes to costumes, humorous is sexier than just simply wearing less clothes.

Netflix and chill: our generation’s dating scene

Paige Liston | Opinion Columnist “Netflix and chill.” We have all been hearing this term quite often across various social media accounts, but for those of you who are unaware of the full context of the phrase, allow me to fill you in. If someone invites you over for “Netflix and chill,” you might be

Color vision

Aaron Smith | Opinion Columnist Acting ability is measured by how well an actor portrays a character and evokes the right emotions for audiences. It is measured by whether or not the actor gives a believable performance on screen – or so the media wants you to think. In movies, actors and actresses are given

To weave or not to weave

Epiphany Johnican | Opinion Columnist All my life, I’ve had shoulder-length hair. It was longer than most of my African American peers, so I was very satisfied. Over the years, however, I began to take an interest in hairstyles that are often portrayed in the media. Twelve inches, 14 inches, 16 inches: the most popular

Four Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know Existed at Butler

Jenna Voris | Opinion Columnist After a few weeks at Butler University, it is easy to feel like you know campus like the back of your hand.  You can start to tell Jordan Hall from Atherton Memorial Union, and getting to class on time no longer challenges you. Don’t get too confident, though; Butler has

Homecoming Exclusive?

JENNA VORIS | STAFF COLUMNIST It’s Saturday morning of Homecoming weekend and campus is buzzing.  Alumni wander the streets, reminiscing on their glory days while determined dog owners dress their four-legged friends in crazy costumes for a chance to win the elusive title of Best in Show at the Bulldog Beauty Contest. Students from Greek

Introducing “Help a Dawg Out” advice column

ATTENTION BULLDOGS: Are you ever in need of unbiased and honest answers to your craziest university questions? Do you ever wish there was someone entirely anonymous that could help you by giving some much-needed advice about transitioning into college or the real world? Then you are in luck, Butler students. The Butler Collegian introduces the

Clothed Mind

AARON SMITH | STAFF COLUMNIST Fashion on campuses has changed over the years. However, a lot of the choices made are not for the better. Men and women have their fashion faux pas in their own rights in a various range of styles. Clothes currently worn to class have gone from being an extra on
