Electronic Music Studio Presents Annual Festival

Vanessa Staublin | Staff Reporter


Electronic music, a genre not often showcased at a Butler University concert, is returning to campus through the Electronic Music Festival.

The performance is an opportunity for students taking electronic music courses to showcase their work.

Frank Felice, associate professor of music, teaches electronic music courses and said he believes this festival is a great outlet for students to show what they have accomplished.

“The electronic music studio is a facility on campus that serves the needs of folks who wish to learn a bit about electronic music, and be able to create that type of music in a classroom setting,” Felice said.

The festival lets students showcase music they have composed.

For senior Gabrielle Cerberville, creating music is her life.

“I would estimate that I generally spend somewhere between three and six hours per day composing new music,” Cerberville said. “On days where I don’t have class, I’ll often spend up to eight.”

During the performance, music composed by students and other famous pieces of electronic music will be played. Although two to three students will be performing, other featured artists will play as well.

“Style is not necessarily electronic dance music or avant garde electronica, but can be everything in between that,” Felice said.

Other guest artists include composers Robin Cox and Kazuaki Shiota.

“Our upcoming concert will feature a variety of electronic pieces, some by students and some by established composers,” Cerberville said. “My own music will be featured as well. A theme running through several pieces will be that of motion.”

The concert is free and there will only be one performance, in the Schrott Center, Sunday at 7:30 pm.

“Though not widely attended, Composer’s Orchestra concerts are some of the most fun, exciting events on campus,” Cerberville said. “And we might just be Butler’s best-kept secret.”

