

Beyond the pot of gold

“How is it that St. Patrick’s Day went from a religious celebration concentrated in Ireland to a global phenomenon that consists of shamrocks, bars and pinching a ginger?”


The romance reckoning

“There are legitimate issues within the romance genre, however, that does not mean that it is inherently problematic, silly or somehow “worse” than other genres.”


The Collegian Mini: 3/5/25

Graphic by Leah Ollie. ABBY HOEHN | DESIGN EDITOR | SARAH HOHMAN | MANAGING EDITOR | Try out the crossword by picking up the newspaper from around campus, printing it out, or drawing on the image using your device, then scroll down to the bottom of this page for the answers. Down: 1.


The Butler Collegian DAWGCAST — Season 2, Episode 5

Tune in to the fifth episode of the second season of The Butler Collegian ‘DAWGCAST’. This video podcast series covers everything from This Month With President Danko, Three Things to Know, Tattoo Tales and more. This DAWGCAST episode is hosted by Assistant Multimedia Editor Kayla Campbell and is available on Spotify and YouTube.
