Tag Archives: Ross Hall

Butler students who are unable to return home after testing positive for COVID-19 isolate in Ross Hall

Butler students who are unable to return home after testing positive for COVID-19 isolate in Ross Hall

When a Butler student tests positive for COVID-19, they are asked to return to their primary residence. If they are unable to do so, they will be given a room in Ross Hall, a residence hall built in 1954.

Ross Hall damages total $1,000

MIRANDA MARITATO STAFF REPORTER In only the seventh week of the 2013-2014 school year, Ross Hall has accumulated $1,000 worth of damages, according to Residence Life Coordinator Laura Rychalsky. Damages regarding exit signs have been reported on the first two floors of the residence hall. These damages will be charged to all residents, including those

Students left with second choice

With the change in lottery number distribution for university housing this year, the residence life department is working to place students who did not get their first choices for next year’s housing. This year, lottery numbers were distributed randomly as opposed to years past, when lottery numbers were based on student credit hours. Karla Cunningham,
