Oct. 23rd was the 10 year anniversary of The Black Parade, an iconic album by My Chemical Romance. Carissa Marquardt, opinion editor, discusses how the infamous lyrics carry on in our college experiences.
Fall in love with October
Autumn on Butler University’s campus. Photo from Flickr. CARISSA MARQUARDT | OPINION EDITOR | cfmarqua@butler.edu It may not feel like it, but it is official: fall has arrived. This time last year I was becoming an icicle at a renaissance fair, red-nosed and numb-fingered thanks to a relentless sprinkle of frozen rain. This time last…
The good, the bad and the dirty of random roommates
Illustration by Jessica Lee. CARISSA MARQUARDT | OPINION EDITOR | cfmarqua@butler.edu MARIA RAPISARDA | ASST. OPINION EDITOR | mrapisar@butler.edu Considering your first college roommate could mean the difference between a horror story and a fairy tale when you tell your family about them. Hearing so many of the former and not enough of the latter…