Multimedia Reporter Alexis Wallman asks music students how they dress and what is so unique about their style.
HRC Not Open…Students Adjust
No gym, no problem. Multimedia Reporter Eric Young talks to students as they find different ways to exercise with the HRC closed
Holcomb Gardens destruction
Columnist Bridget early delves into the issues surrounding the changes to Holcomb Gardens and the issues surrounding the gardens in their current transition period.
“8 before you graduate” policy a powerful tool for arts advocacy and education
Columnist Bridget Early examines the “8 before you graduate” policy with BCRs and how the arts are impacted.
Being an active bulldog
Columnist Douglas Roche III offers opportunities to get involved on campus.
Crime rates increased in Butler area in 2010
The Butler University area has higher numbers than it did last year in eight of 17 crime sub-categories, according to a new report. Aggravated assault, motor vehicle theft, arson, forcible and non-forcible burglary, liquor law arrests, liquor and drug law violations referred for disciplinary actions and illegal weapon possession arrests each went up by at…