Growth and the future of the ALMIGHTY Alpha chapter
“Summer Renaissance:” Beyonce’s newest album, its influence from black queer culture and controversy
On the first act of a trilogy of projects, Queen Bey finds hope in a diverse culture and the dance floor. Discover her influences and the controversy with some of the new songs.
Time to Bust the B.U.B.B.L.E.
Bust the B.U.B.B.L.E., a student movement for racial justice, held its annual MLK Love Walk on Jan. 17 after the group’s hiatus. They have worked since 2015 — and have plans to continue — to improve the experiences of students of color at Butler.
Being black at Butler
Jill McCarter | News Editor | A look at the past, present and future of black students’ experiences and enrollment at Butler University. Walking down the sidewalks of Butler University before her freshman year during an admissions tour, Kazmyn Perry realized that if she chose to attend, she would be in the minority. Still,…