The Butler Collegian’s fantasy guide to Week 4 of the NFL season.
Polak’s Picks: NFL Week 3 start ‘em, sit ‘em
The Butler Collegian’s fantasy guide to Week 3 of the NFL season.
Polak’s Picks: NFL Week 2 Start ‘Em Sit ‘Em
The Butler Collegian’s fantasy guide to Week 2 of the 2021 NFL season.
Polak’s Picks: NFL Week 1 Start ‘Em, Sit ‘Em
Ethan Polak give the Butler Collegian’s fantasy guide to Week 1 of the 2021 NFL season.
After the Buzzer: Butler vs. The Citadel 11/19/22
Managing editor Kobe Mosley and sports co-editor Matthew Crane recap the Bulldogs' second win in a row as the team gets ready to head to the Bahamas for the Battle 4 Atlantis Tournament next week. Video produced by multimedia co-editor Ethan Polak.
Senior Sendoff: A girl and her camera
It’s hard to say goodbye to something that has completely shaped my life.
Butler Collegian Newscast 03-29-23
Multimedia co-editor Ethan Polak reports on the latest addition of the Irwin Seed Library as well as the Butler softball’s incredible start to Big East conference play. Multimedia reporter Drew Ellis then shares an update on the Butler men’s basketball roster shakeup after five players entered the transfer portal.
Butler Collegian Newscast 03-22-23
Multimedia co-editor Ethan Polak reports on the upcoming events including the RBE Marketplace on Friday and the ACA Food Drive for Second Helpings. Multimedia reporter Eva Hallman then shares her day in the life experience at the Pi Kappa Delta National Speech Tournament.
Houston, we have a winner
The sports section shares what team they think has the best chance at winning it all.
The best of the best: Sports edition
The sports section gives their hot takes on popular sports topics.