First unopposed SGA presidential candidates in years host Q&A

Sophomore Eloise Ayotte and sophomore Elena Clark’s campaign values are “Elevate. Innovate. Advocate.” Photo by Aidan Gregg. 


In a departure from traditional Student Government Association (SGA) election procedure, two students forming a single campaign ticket faced questions from an audience of peers on the Reilly Room stage. At 7 p.m. on March 26, sophomore environmental studies major Eloise Ayotte and Elena Clark, a sophomore accounting and applied business technology double major, hosted a candidate Q&A event for their respective presidential and vice presidential campaigns for the 2025-26 academic year. 

An unopposed SGA presidential ticket hasn’t been proposed in over four years on Butler’s campus, and Ayotte and Clark expressed that they take this opportunity as a chance to run a campaign with purpose. Ayotte currently serves as SGA’s director of sustainability, and Clark serves as executive secretary. 

In a Q&A session moderated by Olivia Prewitt, a SGA justice and head of the Election Oversight Commission (EOC), both Ayotte and Clark had the opportunity to respond to questions regarding their platform and initiatives proposed for their administration. Ayotte and Clark were allowed 20 seconds to consider questions before responding. 

Following six questions curated by SGA officials, audience members raised ten questions for the candidates via Google Form or Instagram livestream comments, as well as in person. 

Representing student voices

In response to multiple questions from the EOC regarding student representation within SGA, Ayotte and Clark stated their campaign priority of “elevating voices on campus.” 

Ayotte spoke to her intentions to raise student perspectives to members of Butler’s administration in her presidential capacity, including President James Danko and members of the Board of Trustees.

“I will never hesitate to ask hard questions,” Ayotte said. “I will challenge decisions that don’t serve students. I will make sure voices are heard at every level.” 

Clark emphasized that as vice president supervising SGA’s budget, she hopes to build relationships with student organizations in order to meet their needs and increase access to legislative branch funds made available through SGA grants. 

Implementing change on campus

In addition to sharing campaign goals regarding representation, Ayotte and Clark introduced new ideas for “innovating spaces” on campus grounds. One initiative proposed in their campaign platform includes “renovating the high ropes course near I Lot parking,” and another aims to “upgrade study spaces.” 

Ayotte shared that these goals — along with ambitions to partner with “food delivery apps” to expand dining options for weekends — will meet student needs and shared concerns raised to SGA currently. 

“One of our main pillars is advocating for changes, and we cannot advocate unless we know what we’re advocating for and who we’re advocating for,” Ayotte said. “[Gathering student feedback] and input is absolutely one of our top priorities.” 

Ayotte and Clark did not share their proposal for financial and facilities operations to execute these renovations, but referred student attendees to their campaign brochure distributed at campaign tabling events for answers to specific questions. 

Promoting unity

When asked what diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility meant to them in their own words, Ayotte and Clark affirmed their commitment to inclusion in their campaign priorities. Ayotte shared her experience in the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholarship Program, as well as her goals to collaborate with student organizations to represent the diversity of the student body.

Ayotte also highlighted opportunities for SGA to internally promote unity between its branches, from event programming to professional development opportunities such as an SGA retreat.

“The more we care about each other, the more they can support each other,” Ayotte said. “[With opportunities for SGA officers to bond] engagement will increase, within SGA and with other student organizations across campus … Collaboration across branches means we have more perspectives that are able to serve the whole student body.” 

Both candidates finished the event with a closing statement sharing their goals to “build a campus that reflects the best of Butler.” 

In final remarks to attendees, Prewitt encouraged students to vote in the presidential and senatorial elections being held April 1. Recent past SGA elections have been conducted via Engage, but Butler SGA has not publicly communicated the platform or hours in which votes will be cast on April 1 at the time of publication. 

The Butler Collegian will continue coverage of the results of SGA elections. Students seeking more information on Ayotte and Clark’s platform can visit their campaign Instagram page. 


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