Tag Archives: Reilly Room

OPINION | Students should join feminist group celebrations of women

I’m Colleen Quilty, president of Demia, Butler University’s feminist and social justice organization. Tomorrow is the start of Women’s History Month, a whole 31 days dedicated to remembering and honoring women, their achievements and current issues they face. Demia is planning an eventful March culminating in a student production of Eve Ensler’s world-famous“Vagina Monologues” on

Student hip-hop group to host dance-off

The Urban Arts Crew, Butler University’s new student hip-hop organization, is co-sponsoring a large break dancing competition on campus this week. The competition, called “Release the Dawgs,” will be held in the Reilly Room on Friday, Nov. 11 at 9 p.m.  Doors open at 8 p.m. Steven Han, the sophomore pharmacy major who is leading

Making that good old harmony

Prepare yourselves, Butler University. Our two favorite a cappella groups have been hitting the rehearsal room and recording studio, ready to serenade the campus community within the next couple of months. Expect concerts, new CDs and covers of everyone from Amy Winehouse to Ben Folds. OUT OF THE DAWG HOUSE Out of the Dawg House
