A senior’s guide to fountain diving

The water in the Irwin Library Fountain is shockingly cold. Photo by Elizabeth Stevenson.

JOHN DUNN | OPINION COLUMNIST | jcdunn@butler.edu 

The Butler student body has a number of beloved traditions, like the homecoming party on the Knoll, spending 30 minutes finding a parking spot and, as of recently, missing the NCAA basketball tournament. However, there may not be a more revered tradition than going out with your friends and jumping into all five fountains on campus.

Why do students jump in fountains? I’m not sure — but it’s fun, and each class knows they can’t be the one to break the streak. It has become an essential part of the Butler experience, and if you need proof, just ask the students.

Sophomore music education major Parker Tockstein is all for it.

“I am [a fan],” Tockstein said. “I think it’s cute, and I feel like most schools have some weird thing that you have to do before you graduate. This is our quirky campus thing.”

While the tradition may seem odd to outsiders, it holds a special charm for those on campus. Fountain jumping isn’t just a senior send-off.

Robert Boyd, a junior finance and economics double major, echoed that sentiment, explaining how fountain jumping goes beyond just the graduating class.

“I think it’s the kind of thing that made Butler one of the more interesting campuses to me,” Boyd said. “I was told about the tradition even before my first year [at Butler], and seeing my friends do it over the years has been fun.”

It’s clear that fountain diving is a beloved part of Butler’s campus culture. So, as a graduating senior, I feel it’s my duty to leave behind a road map for future students — a guide to Butler’s fountains ranked by both their aesthetic appeal and the satisfaction of jumping. With that being said, let’s dive in.

#5 Persephone Fountain

Can the Persephone Fountain in Holcomb Gardens even be considered a fountain at this point? In my four years at Butler, I haven’t seen water in it once. If you Google the fountain, the only time you’ll find it filled is right after a heavy rain.

Even the name “Holcomb Gardens” has felt like a bit of a stretch since the pandemic, when the gardens were covered with turf. It seemed that “Holcomb Strip of Grass” would have been a more accurate name.

But this fall, for the first time since COVID, volunteers replanted the gardens with flowers that will bloom in the spring. I’m hopeful this revitalization effort means the fountain will also finally be turned back on, which would be a much-needed step in the right direction. Until then, a fountain with no water has to be the least gratifying fountain to jump in and it is difficult to justify the 20-minute trek down to the gardens.

Fountain aesthetic score: 4/10
Jump gratification score: 0/10

#4 Norris Plaza Fountain

The Norris Plaza is definitely a fountain — there’s no debate about that. But beyond that, there’s not much else to say. It sits in the center of campus, tucked between Lilly, Jordan and Dugan Halls, yet somehow it manages to be one of the more forgettable landmarks on campus. Maybe that’s because it’s just off to the side, partially hidden by landscaping. Or maybe it’s because the fountain never seems to have much water in it, or impressive streams shooting out of it. Either way, it’s easy to overlook.

It does get some bonus points for consistently being operational — looking at you, Star Fountain — but there’s nothing particularly remarkable about it. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with the Norris Plaza Fountain; it’s just … pedestrian. Jumping in feels about the same as stepping into one of the many lakes that form on Butler’s campus after heavy rain. It’s a nice background feature, but not much more than that. Ultimately the Square Fountain is fine, but I can’t rank higher than fourth on this list.

Fountain aesthetic score: 4/10
Jump gratification score: 3/10  

#3 Star Fountain

Star Fountain is the opposite of the Norris Plaza Fountain in many ways. Rather than being a steady presence without any real pros or cons, Star Fountain thrives in ambivalence. The highs are very high, the lows are pretty low and it all balances out to a perfect third-place ranking.

On the positive side, it’s one of the most recognizable landmarks on campus and the most accessible, meaning many people jump in more than once. It’s also the deepest fountain, so when you take the plunge, it actually feels like you’re getting your money’s worth. However, on the negative side, Star Fountain is empty for most of the academic year, suffering from the same issue as the Persephone Fountain. Additionally, as a fountain, it’s pretty underwhelming and doesn’t shoot water very high or have much artistic flair.

However, it does serve as a great communal spot and is arguably the best beginner-level fountain. Many first-years even dive in during orientation week festivities. 

Jack Cohen, junior finance and computer science double major, detailed his fountain experience, which occurred in the first few weeks on campus. 

“My dad told me that his friend’s son went to Butler, but I had never met him before. Eventually, that night we went fountain jumping and I actually met [the friend’s son] at the fountain doing the same thing,” Cohen said. “We are fraternity brothers now, and we saw 30 or 40 other people around the fountains … and I am still friends with many of them.”

Star Fountain’s has a lot of positives, but it just doesn’t have the star power to break into the top two. Maybe, its ranking will rise if the university commits to keeping it full during the winter.

Fountain aesthetic score: 6/10
Jump gratification score: 7/10

#2 Bell Tower Fountain

The fountain in the pond in front of the bell tower is easily the most visually impressive on this list. The water streams shoot what seems like 20 feet into the air, creating a striking display, and the scenic background makes it one of the most picturesque spots on campus. It’s no surprise that seniors often choose it for their graduation photos, likely reminiscing about completing the fountain dive circuit while doing so.

As awesome as this fountain is, it ranks second for one main reason: it’s kind of gross to get into. Unlike the others, it has no concrete base, so the moment you step in, you sink into the mud. It’s also home to fish, geese and ducks — cool in theory, but less so when you realize how much they poop. If I didn’t feel the need to rush home for a shower afterward, this fountain might have taken the top spot. It’s definitely worth experiencing once, but after that, it’s best admired from a distance.

Fountain aesthetic score: 9/10
Jump gratification score: 5/10

#1 Irwin Library Fountain

This fountain is the real MVP of my college career, and its soothing study ambiance is probably responsible for boosting my GPA by at least four or five decimals. While it may not be as visually impressive as the Bell Tower fountain, it takes the top spot because it’s the most satisfying to jump in — and because of its undeniable impact on student performance.

The Irwin Fountain is the best one to jump in because it’s clean, but also because it feels the most rebellious. After years of grinding through study guides in the library, diving into the Irwin Library fountain is a symbolic end to one’s Butler career and to this list. Part of the thrill comes from feeling like you’re breaking the rules, even though rumor has it there’s a stack of towels behind the library desk just for jumpers and the university typically loosens the rules at the end of the semester to let more rule-following seniors complete the fountain circuit. In fact, since Butler Libraries hit its Day of Giving goal, seniors will be allowed to take their photos in the fountain this year. Regardless, this fountain is the most fun to jump in and my personal favorite, so in a list with very few objective rankings, it takes the top spot.

Fountain aesthetic score: 7/10
Jump gratification score: 10/10

There is a sixth fountain at South Campus, but it’s traditionally left out of the circuit, probably because five is just a more poetic number than six. But in the end, it’s not the number of fountains that matters — it’s what they represent. To outsiders, they might just be part of the scenery. To Butler students, they’re milestones: strange, cold, splashy milestones that somehow bring the whole community a little closer together.


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