Letter to the editor: Danko and the board have Rossed the plot

Graphic by Corrina Reiss.

The Butler Collegian is committed to sharing diverse viewpoints from across the university and to upholding values of free speech. However, the Collegian does not endorse or promote opinions contained within any letter to the editor.

As many of you know, the powers that be have elected to convert Ross Hall, formerly used for student housing — for my freshmen who might not know where that is, it’s the stone building across the street from ResCo and Atherton — into a hotel. This decision has been made in spite of rising demand for student housing, and — in my opinion — against the wishes of most of the student body. President Danko and the Board of Trustees speak about “preserving the building’s legacy” but would that not be better achieved by preserving the building’s original purpose? To house those who came here to learn and better themselves and their community? Apparently not. 

Danko and the Board have made it very clear that they do not care about the education of the students here, but rather lining their own pockets. In one breath, they speak of the high quality of the education here at Butler, but in another they assume that the education here is so lacking that the student body is oblivious to the fact that their “preservation project” is actually in service to personal greed. Well President Danko and members of the Board, I am afraid you all are mistaken. We know what you all are, and I have faith in this student body to speak truth to power and call you all out. Clearly more faith than you ever pretended to have in us.


Gabriel Young, Junior Undergrad


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