Butler men’s cross country finishes second at the Illini Invitational

Julia Adams races with some competitors at the Butler Twilight meet earlier this season. Adams finished 47th in the Illini Clasic. Photo courtesy of Butler Athletics. 

JOSH MULLENIX | STAFF REPORTER | jmulleni@butler.edu

Butler cross country competed at the Illini Classic in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. The men’s team finished second among three teams and the women sent four women to compete as individuals.

The men were led by senior Michael Carey who finished 10th with a final time of 26:32.7.

Freshman Blake Roberts finished 22nd finishing the 8k course in 27:38.3. Freshman Kyle Harris followed closely behind finishing in 26th with a time of 28:06.3.

Senior Malik Mahmud and freshman Chandler McGaha finished 37th and 39th to round out the five scores for the Bulldogs. The final team score for the Bulldogs was 49.

Illinois State won the team event with a score of 19. Michael Ward running unattached won the individual title with a time of 25:28.5.

Butler’s top performer in the women’s 5k event was Kara Stark, who finished in the 30th spot with a time of 20:11.6. Freshmen Aiden Smith (20:53.8) and Julia Adams (21:28.7) were the other two Butler women who made the trip to Illinois finishing 41st and 47th, respectively.

While Butler did not field a full team, Purdue won the individual event with a team score of 28 and Purdue’s Megan Slamkowski won the individual title running the 5k course in 18:34.1.

The Bulldogs head to Kenosha, Wisconsin for the Big East Championships on Oct. 28 for their next event.


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