Tag Archives: Efroymson Center for Creative Writing

Indianapolis Public School board proposes to close Broad Ripple High School

Broad Ripple High School is scheduled to close next school year. The closing would effect a Butler English ICR class, Writing in the Schools.

Vivian S. Delbrook Series opens

A thought or an idea is where all pieces of literature get their start. It is scribbled down on a piece of paper before being transformed into a story in front of our eyes. With the Vivian S. Delbrook Visiting Writers Series, Butler University students will be able to gain insight into the minds of

Cartoonist draws laughs

To a standing-room-only audience, Ariel Schrag shed light on the vicious and hysterical process of growing up. This graphic artist and comic book author makes the back-stabbing friends and the tortures of being gay at prom something to laugh about instead of a cause for worry and insecurity. This Berkeley, Calif. native, dressed casually in

New center gives space to writers and speakers

Once upon a time, there was a university in central Indiana with its eye on a stronger creative writing program. Without waxing “Grimm,” Butler University’s tale involves a four-year-old Master of Fine Arts program in creative writing that needed a new home. The Efroymson Center will begin hosting speaking events on Feb. 15, after opening

University constructs creative writing center

By the end of this year, Butler University President Jim Danko will see a greater wave of people, primarily from the English department, hanging around his block.  Butler purchased and is refurbishing the house across from the president’s current residence and will be introducing it to the public as the new Efroymson Center for Creative
