Tag Archives: Aliah Ajamoughli

Stories of the oppressed

BY: MARIA LEICHTY, STAFF REPORTER Junior Aliah Ajamoughli collaborated with Syrian pianist and composer Malek Jandali last month to raise awareness for the people affected by the Syrian revolution. Her father, Ghaith Ajamoughli, was a Syrian medical student in Homs, Syria. He fled the country in the 1980s because he had been accused by the

For family. For country. For Syria.

WRITTEN BY MARIA LEICHTY, STAFF REPORTER March 2011. The Syrian Revolution began. The spark which helped ignite the conflict involved Syrian children. Boys in the town of Daraa, 10- to 15-years-old, graffitied  sayings they had heard in Egypt and the surrounding countries during the Arab Spring. Two and a half years later in November 2013,

Forecast: Flurry of student recitals over next month

Perhaps contrary to popular belief, the Jordan College of the Arts’ main musical output is not sweeping symphonies, rousing overtures for winds or even faculty recitals. Student recitals make up the largest percentage of the musical performances offered on campus. Upwards of 50 are scheduled for this semester alone. These performances, interestingly, are often overlooked
