Here are twenty-first-century books I believe deserve classic status. Graphic by Anna Gritzenbach.
Every student has a book that leaves a mark on their life forever. Whether it was in elementary school, college or in between, you read a book that changed your life. I would argue any book that makes a person feel this way could be considered a classic in its own right. Even if your book is not a part of the classics canon, it could be in the future.
Something common to all classics is a message bigger than the story itself. It is a rule, lesson or idea that can be applied in society for better or worse.
But as we push for a more diverse and inclusive society it’s important to mention that historically, authors of classics are heterosexual white men. Maybe because they have predominantly had access to education to read and write and heavy influence from being well-connected; either way they have been accustomed to their privilege.
Think of Charles Dickens, George Orwell and Mark Twain; their writing is remembered, but others weren’t as lucky.
Now in the twenty-first century, authors from all walks of life are writing and sharing stories. “The Hunger Games”, “The Song of Achilles” and “Wonder” feature timeless themes that should be reiterated in today’s society.
The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
The 2010s run of dystopian literature is a core memory for me. “The Hunger Games”, “Divergent” and “The Maze Runner” are just a few examples of literature I was obsessed with in middle school. These books and coming-of-age characters laid the foundation for me as a lifelong reader.
“The Hunger Games” specifically has themes that remind me of classics like Orwell’s “1984” and “Animal Farm.” Collins managed to create an entertaining young adult storyline complete with critiques of authoritarianism and propaganda that have readers thinking years after finishing the series.
Avery Terry, a sophomore history and German double major who took the First-Year Seminar “Unpacking The Hunger Games” last year, highlighted the different aspects of the series.
“Every time I’ve read The Hunger Games, I understand more of the context and the layers of it,” Terry said. “Truly, there’s so many details and symbolism that I think are real literary elements. It’s not just a middle school dystopian book; The Hunger Games is real literature.”
“The Hunger Games” explores class division, rebellion, propaganda, totalitarianism, war and survival; it’s so much more than the Games themselves.
Although it is not officially deemed a classic, my peers and I would argue that the messages portrayed in the series are prevalent and timely to today’s societal landscape, therefore making it a classic that should be read for generations to come.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
A niche, but insanely popular genre is Greek mythology retelling. Of course, the “Percy Jackson & The Olympians” series has made a good run and a resurgence with the new Disney+ series. But “The Song of Achilles” highlights a queer perspective in classic literature.
A retelling of a classic, “The Iliad”, this book brings a romantic narrative perspective of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus. Since the writing of The Iliad, many interpretations of their relationship have been argued, whether it was romantic or not. “The Song of Achilles” takes the romantic angle and takes us through a journey of love and war.
Maythazin Minthu, a sophomore public health and sociology double major, said she could see The Song of Achilles becoming a classic.
“It has those elements that you want in a classic and will teach future generations lessons about sacrifice, love and loss,” Minthu said. “The themes stay with you. I feel the books that make you emotionally drawn to them are the ones that matter most.”
I can confirm this book made me emotional and is one of the few historical queer love stories I have discovered in the literature world. If this made it to the classic list, it would give a voice to marginalized groups to help literature be more inclusive.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
A lesser-known impactful book — with an amazing movie adaptation — is “Wonder”. The story follows the journey of a kid with Treacher Collins syndrome — a condition that affects facial development — as he takes on public school after being homeschooled for his entire life.
The story encompasses August Pullman’s fifth-grade year, where he experiences complex friendships, bullying and family relationships. August first feels his facial differences are his weakness, but as the story goes on, he realizes he is a normal kid like everyone else.
August’s confidence and self-worth blossom when he finally stops hiding his face and accepts that he looks different, not worse. His tumultuous friendship with his new best friend, Jack Will, is brilliantly written to reflect overcoming adversity to save their friendship.
Sydney Louis, a sophomore organizational communication and leadership major, said Wonder had a big impact on her when she read it in fifth grade.
“Since the main character and I were the same age, the topics of bullying, friendship and family were very relatable and real,” Louis said. “The message of just being a good person in general is something everyone should strive to be. It’s a good book to read, especially now in today’s society where that message is constantly forgotten.”
“Wonder” has the potential to be a classic because the overall message is so important and timeless — choosing kindness despite your differences. Even though it is a children’s book, its universal theme is heartwarming for people of all ages and should be on everybody’s reading list.
These three entirely different books all have substantial emotional resonance and prove that twenty-first-century novels can have classic status. Authors who write amazing literature are alive and well and deserve the same recognition as historical authors.
At the end of the day, a good book is a good book. Classic status is subjective and usually decided long after the book is published. But, I guarantee all these books will be worth reading long after our generation is gone.
A prior version of this story incorrectly identified Minthu’s major as public health and anthropology.