Sometimes misogyny is subtle and implicit. Graphic by Eleanor Angelly.
Misogyny finds its way into every aspect of life. From media to language, sentiment that indicates a disdain, rejection or hatred of women and the experiences of those who may present themselves femininely is present everywhere.
Explicit and violent forms of misogyny and sexism are often more noticeable and willingly called out. Misogyny that is far more subtle and implicit, on the other hand, can be harder to detect and acknowledge. These pervasive forms of sexism are so deeply embedded in our social structures that they often go unnoticed.
Junior health sciences major Kamarie Fuller-McDade noted how misogyny often presents in language.
“Every time a guy refers to a girl or something they say, ‘females,’” Fuller-McDade said. “Sometimes I hear girls say it around me. I heard it all through high school, and it never sat right with me … Another thing is when men get mad and they refer to women as a derogatory term. I hate that with all my soul.”
Language and sexism often go hand-in-hand. There are a select few terms and phrases that are typically associated with women, regardless of if those phrases are explicitly gendered. Derogatory language toward women has always been common and continues to exist in excess on social media.
Junior biochemistry major Rebecca Hoff emphasized how academic and workplace environments are commonly toxic and exclusive.
“High-paying fields are so male-dominated,” Hoff said. “It’s taken so long for women to break open these glass ceilings … Women should be offered a seat at the table. But in addition, it should be an inclusive seat, where she’s welcome to that seat, not where she has to internalize this misogyny and she has to be all macho, super hardcore. She should be able to be who she is and have that seat.”
While some instances of workplace misogyny may be considered harassment, there are certain forms of sexism that can be so subtle that they go unnoticed. References to gender may not even be made, yet the experiences of women often differ wildly from those of men.
While much of sexism and misogynistic sentiment is carried out by men, women are not absolved of contributing to such rhetoric. Misogyny can also be internalized and perpetuated by women.
“An example is putting down your friend because a guy is in the room and you’re trying to seem better,” Fuller-McDade said. “If you’re already centered around men, you’ll of course end up being misogynistic … You’re trying to put yourself on a pedestal for a man and what for?”
Internalized misogyny is often defined as the misogyny or sexism that women start believing and perpetuating themselves. The oppressive rhetoric against women becomes internalized; women begin internally believing that they may be inferior and inadequate.
Madelyne Liebler, a senior art and design and strategic communications double major, is an executive board member of Gender Equity Movement at Butler and she noted how internalized misogyny often goes unnoticed.
“Internalized misogyny, especially, that’s something that people, a lot of people, may not be aware of,” Liebler said. “They don’t necessarily come to terms with the fact that it’s something they’re exuding as well.”
When the impacts of the patriarchy are so deeply rooted in all aspects of our lives, it is no surprise that we sometimes begin to internalize the toxic sentiment around us.
“Even sometimes I have a little bit of internalized misogyny, just because of — again — how we grew up in a patriarchal world,” Fuller-McDade said. “Sometimes I think certain things that I’m like, ‘No, that doesn’t really sound right.’ And I think that’s something everyone struggles with. For example, internalized racism and … internalized homophobia; people who are those specific groups really suffer from that a lot, just because of the way specifically the U.S. is built and even the world.”
Experiencing internalized misogyny — or any other form of internalized prejudice or bigotry — can be used to reflect and critically think about one’s beliefs and values. It is important to critically examine why you find yourself subconsciously making assumptions and biases that you do not necessarily agree with.
“I got involved with the Gender Equity Movement and so that was sort of my personal way of combating these efforts, sort of showing that I can advocate for these people,” Liebler said. “I’m so constantly learning and educating myself on these matters. But other people getting involved in that effort too, I think, is also something that could help limit misogyny.”
Taking the step to educate yourself and the people around you is a great way to work against those internal biases.
Living in a world that is systemically built against marginalized communities means that sometimes we internalize the propaganda and harmful rhetoric surrounding us. How we choose to reconcile the information we internalize, however, is what matters.