OPINION | Butler better without Dominick the Donkey

This semester has not been the same without Tau Kappa Epsilon, but the absence of the song “Dominick the Donkey” is for the better.

I am a big supporter of school traditions and events, but this is one holiday ritual that I am not sad to see go.

Students hearing the Christmas rendition for the first time would think it sounded like any other cheery holiday song.

New students would be led to believe TKE played a variety of Christmas songs throughout the entire season.

But by noon on any day, they would realize the same tune had been blaring from TKE’s speakers all day long.

As night falls and the hum of the song continues, people would realize the next three weeks would be filled with donkey noises.

The constant droning of the same tune makes the day go on longer and longer and does not always put people in a bright, cheery holiday mood.

The pressure of finals week is enough to make some people pull out their hair, especially when forced to hear the same song over and over again while working.

For those who lived around TKE, there was no escaping the song.

Residents of Ross, Residential College and nearby Greek houses could hear the tune creeping through their windows.

“Dominick The Donkey” would drown out the music in my headphones when I walked around on campus.

Other on-campus organizations and groups have attempted to keep the tradition alive by playing “Dominick the Donkey” during this holiday season.

But some school officials have stopped some organizations from playing it.

Although I am glad the song isn’t playing as much as it otherwise would be, other student groups should be allowed to play the song if they feel compelled.

“I heard DG playing it on Friday, and it put some pep in my step, but it would be annoying if I had to live across the street from TKE and have to hear it every day,” junior Nigel Spears said.

Another fraternity or campus organization should start a different holiday tradition that is not forced upon a large percentage of the student body.

This way, Butler students can get in the holiday spirit without bothering their peers.


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