Tag Archives: Ross Hall

Students left with second choice

With the change in lottery number distribution for university housing this year, the residence life department is working to place students who did not get their first choices for next year’s housing. This year, lottery numbers were distributed randomly as opposed to years past, when lottery numbers were based on student credit hours. Karla Cunningham,

Ross residents ransacked

An unknown burglar entered the unlocked rooms of Ross Hall residents early Thursday morning. Five unlawful entries occurred from Thursday to Friday resulting in stolen items, including laptops, iPods, cell phones and money. Butler University Police Department said no sign of forced entry into Ross has been found; it suspects the thief is a student

Housing full with large enrollment

Butler University is facing a time when the incoming classes continue to grow. The current expected freshman class size of 1,111 students shot up from last year’s class size of 926. Upperclassmen were offered alternative housing opportunities to help accommodate freshmen. In 2003, additional housing options were offered when Butler’s incoming freshman class totaled 976

Housekeeping staff stays busy with residence hall upkeep

The daily cleaning of every dormitory bathroom is only one responsibility of Butler University’s housekeeping staff. Richard Hamm, director of building services, works closely with his supervisors, Augusto Acosta and Jenny Roell, to try to keep the residence halls as clean and sanitary as possible. Acosta supervises Ross Hall, Residential College and the Apartment Village,
