Tag Archives: Larry Attaway

Marek Cholewa: A father figure with high standards

BY: ROBYN JUTSUM, CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Marek Cholewa, a Butler University dance professor, strives to share the historical and pedagogical culture of dance in Poland and Russia with his Butler students. Cholewa began his training at the National School of Ballet in Poznan, Poland, and from there was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of Poland

‘Giselle’: exploring romanticism through dance

To close a successful season while simultaneously opening another sort of  “season,” Butler Ballet presents “Giselle.” “Giselle” is the last performance of the academic year for the Butler Ballet, but it will be one of the first performances of the first annual Butler University ArtsFest. Larry Attaway, dance department chair, said “Giselle” is credited as

REVOLUTION! Long in the making, first annual ArtsFest set to open

The theme of revolution will be at the forefront of various artistic performances and displays in the first Butler University ArtsFest. ArtsFest will feature more than 40 performances and other events between April 18-28. This is the first ArtsFest, which is to become an annual event. It will be used, in part, to honor the

The Butler dance department presents: The Midwinter Dance Festival

Different styles, music and costumes can be brought together by one essential element: dance. All these components will mesh and be put on display to encompass the tradition of the Midwinter Dance Festival at Butler University. The middle of three major Butler dance department productions, the festival is a “mixed-bill production,” meaning there are a
