Welcome to the Team: Women’s soccer first-years kick off the season

First-year forward Léa Larouche has one goal and one assist in seven starts this season. Photo by Jonathan Wang. 

DOROTHY LAKSHMANAMURTHY | STAFF REPORTER | dlakshmanamurthy@butler.edu

“Welcome to the Team” is a Q&A series where the Collegian sits down with student-athletes who are entering their first season at Butler University. These articles will address why they chose Butler, what they hope to get out of their first season and some personal tidbits that you won’t find anywhere else

This week, Staff Reporter Dorothy Lakshmanamurthy sat down with the three offensive first-year players for the Butler women’s soccer team: Ceilidh Whynott, Macy Malecki and Léa Larouche.

Ceilidh Whynott is a 5’7” forward from Saint Paul, Minnesota. (Photo by Darcy Leber)

THE BUTLER COLLEGIAN: When did you first start playing soccer, and what influenced you to start playing?

CEILIDH WHYNOTT: I started when I was around five or six, so back when everyone was playing on the [small goals] and everything. I just liked it because I was able to hang out with all my friends. They always had snacks afterward too, so that was a big driving force. Then I just really fell in love with it because I just liked how much you could move and how much variation there was to it.

TBC: What made you choose to come to Butler?

CW: I chose to come here because after I came on my official visit at the end of my sophomore year, it was just so cool. I loved the vibes of campus. The coaches were just amazing; I just couldn’t believe that they were real. The team atmosphere was also like nothing I have seen before with a soccer team. Everybody on the team was friends.

TBC: What is your favorite part of playing soccer?

CW: My favorite part would probably be the satisfaction after doing something good. It is just my happy place where I can relax, and when I do good things it makes me feel better.

TBC: Did you play any other sports growing up?

CW: Yes, I played a lot. I had a lot of energy as a kid, so my parents put me into all sorts of sports. I did sports like basketball and volleyball, but soccer just stuck the whole time through.

TBC: Who is a professional athlete you draw inspiration from? 

CW: I’ll go with Trinity Rodman. I really like the way she plays. She came onto the national team, still being pretty young, and she made her mark right away. She plays with such aggression, and I want to play like her.

TBC: What is your personal goal this season?

CW: My goal is to make the most of my experience while I’m here. It’s my first year here, so I’m trying to figure everything out. It can be very overwhelming with all the practice, new formations and everything. I want to give it my all and be on an upward trend from the beginning to the end to see my improvement.

TBC: What is another hobby or activity you enjoy besides soccer?

CW: I really like crafts. It makes me feel calm and relaxed. I brought some coloring books and string friendship bracelets here, and it’s very relaxing and chill compared to soccer practice.

TBC: What is your ideal post-game meal?

CW: The postgame meals here have been amazing. I would say pasta, or any sort of noodles, some chicken, veggies and maybe even a sweet treat after.

TBC: What has been your favorite moment from this season so far?

CW: One favorite moment of mine is before every practice, everyone hangs out and we do juggling circles and little drills. It’s cool to start practice off with everyone giggling and having fun. It’s consistent. Every practice I know I’m gonna have a little bit of fun and that I can be relaxed before it starts.

Macy Melecki is a 5’9” midfielder from Northville, Michigan. (Photo by Natalie Goo)

TBC: When did you first start playing soccer, and what influenced you to start playing?

Macy Malecki: I first started playing soccer around three years old. Neither of my parents played soccer, but as soon as I touched a soccer ball I knew it was the sport for me. 

TBC: What made you choose to come to Butler?

MM: I chose Butler because it felt like home when I stepped on campus. The coaches, players and students were all so welcoming and it was an environment different from other schools. I felt valued at Butler, not only as an athlete but as a person. I also chose Butler for the outstanding academic and athletic departments that will make me the best student-athlete that I can be. 

TBC: What is your favorite part of playing soccer?

MM: Soccer makes me happy. When I am playing soccer, I get in my own element and forget about everything. I also love soccer because of the rewarding feeling after a successful game. Nothing feels better than winning a game, scoring a goal or competing with my best friends. 

TBC: Did you play any other sports growing up?

MM: I was always a very athletic kid and would play all different kinds of sports with my neighbors. Whether it was basketball, baseball, football [or] volleyball, I would always be the best. 

TBC: What has been your favorite moment from this season so far?

MM: My favorite moment so far was the team trip to Broad Ripple. We spent the weekend together as a team and split into different groups for meals, walks and different activities. I got to know each player on the team better, which was really nice. It was a huge bonding experience for the team and has contributed to our success to the season so far. 

TBC: What is a personal goal you have for this season?

MM: I want to continue to improve and be better than I was the day before. It is also a goal of mine to score my first collegiate goal this season. 

TBC: What professional athlete do you draw inspiration from?

MM: Alex Morgan is my inspiration. She started soccer very late in life but she worked hard for her success.

TBC: What is your go-to pregame song, and why?

MM: Anything country because it calms my mind and makes me feel at peace. 

TBC: What are the three things you always need in your soccer bag?MM: To be honest, clutter stresses me out. The only things you will find in my soccer bag are my cleats, shin guards, socks and Playmaker straps.

Léa Larouche is a 5’7” forward from Quebec, Canada. (Photo by Darcy Leber)

TBC: When did you first start playing soccer, and what influenced you to start playing?

Léa Larouche: My parents were trying to make me play sports and just have fun with it. I started playing soccer when I was around three or four years old. I fell in love with soccer the second I touched the ball.

TBC: Traveling far from your hometown in Quebec, Canada, what made you choose to come to Butler?

LL: Honestly, it’s just that feeling of being at home while being so far away from home. When I came on my visit, I had this feeling of knowing immediately. During my first phone call with the coaching staff — which was about a two-hour phone call — I just felt that immediate connection that I could just really see myself evolving and growing here. That was really important for me.

TBC What is your favorite part of playing soccer?

LL: The fact that it’s a team sport and that we’re all building friendship on the field and off the field is my favorite thing. I love performing and competing. I’m always trying to push myself, and the fact that it’s a team sport makes it even better because we’re all pushing each other to become better every day.

TBC: How do you celebrate a good play or goal on the field? 

LL: I actually scored my first goal in our game against Ball State on Aug. 29. I jumped up and down, and I just love running up to my team and hugging and just all being together. 

TBC: What is an unforgettable lesson soccer has taught you? 

LL: I feel like I’ve had a lot of ups and downs with confidence, and I’ve realized that the second my confidence is lower, my performance would immediately be lower. So, I feel that always keeping that level of confidence high is always good, and you can build that with the people around you, and also just internally, with just talking positively to yourself. 

TBC: What is another hobby or activity you enjoy besides soccer?

LL:  I always love hanging out with friends. This is just something I’ve always loved to do. I also crochet, which I started doing during the pandemic. I love it. 

TBC: Who is a professional athlete you draw inspiration from?

LL: Simone Biles. Her whole story is just so inspiring, and I feel like I can relate to it confidence-wise. It’s inspiring to see that even at the highest level, you can still have a lack of confidence even though she’s accomplished so much. I find her really inspiring. 

TBC: What is your personal goal this season?

LL: I want to soak everything in. With this being my first season, I’m really lucky to be playing a lot already. I am appreciating every moment. As a team, winning the Big East tournament and going to the NCAA tournament would be really fun.

TBC: What is something that is on your bucket list?

LL: It’s on my bucket list to travel the world and to see as many places as possible. Traveling is always really fun. Also, I would love to be a professional soccer player. That is my biggest dream.


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