7 Things you will love about Butler

By: Alex Bartlow | Asst. Opinion Editor

Well, you made it.  You made it to this little place with a big name, Butler University, and now you can proudly call yourself a bulldog.  

It doesn’t matter how you made it.  Whether it was by a lifetime commitment of student loan debt, a full-ride scholarship or a generous contribution from your parents, that $200,000 is coming from somewhere. (Is it really that much? Woah.)

Nevertheless, you are here, and the next four to six years will be some of the best years of your life.  It’s crazy, really.  It doesn’t matter how hard you try to have a bad day here, you will always find a silver lining around the corner.  

This is such a blissful place, and we are all so happy to have you making an impact on our school.  You might ask, “Why is it happy?”  Well, I decided to do some thinking and tell you why I love BU, and soon enough, you’ll start to see why I’m telling you these seven things.

Good luck on your journey and please, do not take this time for granted.


During Welcome Week, which may or may not have been the busiest week of your life (I know it was exhausting for me), you received a blue BU traditions book. Simply put, this is a convenient way of showing you what things, both odd and not so odd, we proudly do at Butler. Whether it be playing a round of Campus Golf or jumping into each fountain before graduation, we take pride in our small but mighty campus traditions.


Photo by Alex Bartlow

  1. Irwin Library

“The library? Who even goes the library?” I know that you are all thinking this. But in all honesty, that white building with the weird arches and seemingly a thousand windows on the exterior of it is actually a pretty neat place. Not only was it designed by the architect who designed the World Trade Center, Minoru Yamasaki, but it actually possesses ancient artifacts our great-grandparents once used. I believe the prophecies call them “books.” (Fascinating, right?) Joking aside, Irwin Library truly showcases the hardworking attitudes of Butler students during finals week, practically filling up every table on each of the three floors.

  1. The city

If you haven’t had the chance yet to explore this amazing city, I strongly encourage you to do so. As the 13th largest city in our nation, Indianapolis offers many opportunities for young professionals (Lilly, Angie’s List, etc.), adventure seekers (the Indianapolis Museum of Art is right down the street, people!), and food-lovers (you NEED to try Boogie Burger) to take advantage of. I can promise you that after only one walk around the city circle, you will be in love. I know I am.

  1. Student-to-faculty ratio

I know this sounds like something you would read in a pamphlet, but in reality, it is a blessing to have this. I’ve heard stories about large universities, like Indiana University and Ohio State University, where students go a whole semester without having a one-to-one conversation with their professor. At Butler, this isn’t the case. From day one, you will more than likely be an instrumental element in class discussions and your professors will almost always be more than happy to grab a cup of coffee with you after class. I cannot tell you how much you need to take advantage of this.

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Photo Courtesy of Alex Bartlow

  1. Trip, the Bulldog

This one is obvious. I mean, come on. How many schools have their own live mascot? Not many, that’s for sure.

  1. Construction

You may have noticed all the mud on the mall. As a matter of fact, no, this is not usually the case. Actually, this was never the case; however, with Butler’s 2020 Vision, an effort to improve our university by 2020, this construction was inevitable. Although uninviting to the eye at the moment, this university will be a spectacular sight in a few short years. This construction shows promise. Additionally, the campus will be one heck of a place to visit when you are a BU alumni (let’s hope we make it that far).

  1. Hinkle Fieldhouse

I get chills from just thinking about it. Historic Hinkle Fieldhouse is a clear pride and joy of our campus. The brick arches, the polished wooden floorboards, and the history that you can practically feel all compile into a feeling that is unforgettable. One cannot deny that Butler spirit is a real thing, especially after attending a season basketball game at this historic landmark.

Like I said, we all got here on a different path, but that doesn’t matter now. You are a bulldog, and quite honestly, I can’t think of any other place I would rather be. I hope you feel the same, and one last thing: welcome to Butler.

